Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (2024)

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (1)
Lobster mushroom.

I confess it: I've never been much of a mushroom person. But until recently the only mushrooms I'd ever eaten were button mushrooms found in the grocery store. And as much as I love to forage for wild foods, foraging for mushrooms has always scared me: Every year, I hear stories about people who've seriously poisoned themselves by picking and eating misidentified wild mushrooms.

But my dad-in-law is a huge mushroom fan, and he's been telling me about a friend of his who's a mushroom expert. And, Dad claimed, he had an easy to identify mushroom growing on his property that he just had to try eating. So yesterday morning, when he mentioned he wanted to go pick some lobster mushrooms and hinted he'd like me to look into cleaning and cooking them, I decided to give it a go. (I did ask, "Are we sure we can't mistake them for something poisonous?" To which he replied, "No, we can't. I even showed one to my friend to make sure I was identifying them correctly." Further research revealed there are no poisonous look-alikes to the lobster mushroom.)

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (2)

What Lobster Mushrooms Taste Like

First, you probably want to know what lobster mushrooms taste like. I found their flavor difficult to describe, in part because it varied slightly from mushroom to mushroom. However, to me they are reminiscent of white meat in both texture and flavor, with mild overtones of seafood - and the butter I cooked them in. My dad-in-law and husband, however, thought these mushrooms were reminiscent of steak; I suspect this was due to the way I roasted them.

I was impressed by the mushroom's texture. It was not at all mushy, but firm and meaty. Again, I don't normally like mushrooms, but I found lobster mushrooms absolutely delicious.

If you're curious about how healthy these mushrooms are, you should know they are mostly carbohydrate (about 3 grams per cup), along with a small amount of fiber and protein (1 gram each per cup) and some iron and calcium.

Identifying Lobster Mushrooms

Lobster mushrooms are unique and tough to misidentify. Look for their bright red-orange color, which looks a bit like the red-orange of lobsters. We found our specimens growing on a north facing hill where Douglas Fir and Hemlock trees grew. Much of what we harvested was mostly buried beneath moss and weeds; fortunately, the mushrooms' bright color made them easy to spot.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (3)
Most of the mushrooms we found were largely buried under moss and weeds.

Lobster mushrooms have an irregular shape - in part because they are actually two fungi. They consist of the host, which is either a Russulas or Lactarius mushroom, and a parasite called Hypomyces. The Hypomyces infects the mushroom, transforming it into the deformed, dense, and roughly textured thing we call a lobster mushroom. These mushroom's caps often have cracks in them and Lobster mushrooms have no gills. Depending upon where you live, lobster mushrooms are available most of the year, or mainly in the fall. For more tips on properly identifying lobster mushrooms, click over to

WARNING: Never, ever eat any wild food you cannot absolutely identify. It's just not worth the risk!

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (4)
We found our lobster mushrooms on a north facing hill.

Foraging for Lobster Mushrooms

For best flavor, choose only the best specimens. Look for mushrooms with the characteristic bright red-orange color, that have few cracks in the caps. Slugs and snails, as well as deer and probably other wild critters, love to eat lobster mushrooms, so try to find mushrooms that aren't nibbled on. Before cooking lobster mushrooms, cut them in half to check for freshness. If they are good for eating, the interior will be very white. If the interior is browned at all, it's best to toss the mushroom.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (5)
It's best to remove the mushrooms by cutting the stems.

As a reminder: When foraging, be a good steward. Get permission to forage on private land, and make sure you understand state and federal rules about foraging on public land. Even when foraging on your own land, use care to ensure next year's harvest. With lobster mushrooms, the best way to do that is to cut the mushroom off at its stem, rather than pull it from the ground. Always leave some mushrooms exactly as they are in the ground so they can send out spores to produce mushrooms for future foraging by humans and animals.

Cleaning and Storing Lobster Mushrooms

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (6)
A few minute's worth of harvest!

Once you have the mushrooms home, you can prepare them for storage or for immediate use.

Preparing for storage: Lobster mushrooms are best eaten within three days of harvesting, but may store for as long as seven days. To prep them for storage, simply brush off as much dirt as possible. A clean pastry brush or paint brush works well for this. Then gently place the mushrooms in a paper bag, roll the top of the bag closed, and place in the refrigerator.

Preparing to eat: Once you're ready to eat some lobster mushrooms, you'll need to clean them in earnest. Although I've heard that many mushrooms are ruined by washing, lobster mushrooms do just fine if cleaned in water: Fill a bowl with water, then add the mushrooms. Slosh them gently in the water and let them sit for a minute, then use a fabric or paper towel to gently brush away the remaining dirt.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (7)
Cleaning the mushrooms. Eat only the mushrooms that are bright red-orange. I had to discard the mostly white one at the top of the photo because it was brown on the inside and not suitable for eating.
Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (8)
When you cut open a good lobster mushroom, the inside should look bright white.

How to Cook Lobster Mushrooms

There are many ways to cook lobster mushrooms, but simple recipes are the best way to get a feel for the texture and taste of this unique fungi. Here's how I cooked them.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (9)Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter Recipe

Lobster mushrooms
Clarified butter (Learn how to easily make it here. You could also use ordinary butter, though the flavor of the dish will be slightly different.)
Sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Cut cleaned lobster mushrooms in half. For larger mushrooms, cut in quarters.

3. Place an oven proof skillet over medium heat. Once it's warmed a little, add a couple of tablespoons of clarified butter. Once the butter is warm, gently add the mushrooms, cut side down.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (10)

4. Cook the mushrooms until browned, then turn and cook another side. Season with sea salt and pepper. As you cook, the mushrooms will give off a seafood-like scent. Keep cooking, turning the mushroom until all sides are browned. Periodically, spoon butter that's already in the skillet over the cooking mushrooms.

5. Place the skillet in the oven and set the timer for about 12 minutes.

6. In the meantime, chop the onion. (I cooked two medium sized mushrooms, and used about 1/4 of a yellow onion, and had more onion than I really needed.) Place a skillet over medium heat and add a little clarified butter. Once the butter is warm, add the onion and cook and stir until softened and golden brown. Keep warm over low heat.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (11)

7. After 12 minutes, check the mushrooms. They should be well browned, looking a lot like meat. Plate the mushrooms and sprinkle some cooked onion over them. Serve immediately.

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (12)

Proverbs 31 Homestead: How to Forage, Clean, & Eat Lobster Mushrooms (with Roasted Lobster Mushrooms in Clarified Butter recipe) (2024)


What is the best way to eat lobster mushrooms? ›

Lobster mushrooms are highly variable in flavor. Fresh specimens with completely white flesh on the interior are the best tasting. Keep it simple. Pan-frying or sautéing is perfect for this dense mushroom, and the larger specimens benefit from moist cooking methods.

Can you get sick from lobster mushrooms? ›

While edible, field guides note the hypothetical possibility that H. lactifluorum could parasitize a toxic host and that individuals should avoid consuming lobster mushrooms with unknown hosts, although no instances of toxicity have been recorded.

What's the best way to cook lobster mushrooms? ›

Cooking Lobster Mushrooms

A simple sautee in butter or olive oil works well. Like any mushroom, they should be cooked all the way through. I sauteed these in a little olive oil. I then roasted them in the oven for 10 minutes at 350F degrees, to make them crispy on the outside.

Where is the best place to find lobster mushrooms? ›

Lobster mushrooms grow mostly in conifer forests. They can be found under cedars and Douglas firs, growing from under loose forest floor material, and usually wherever Russual brevipes are found.

Do lobster mushrooms have poisonous look alikes? ›

Poisonous look alikes: There are no known poisonous look alikes. In color, the edible mushroom Laetiporus sulphureus can resemble H. lactiflorum, but that is the extent of the similarity.

How healthy are lobster mushrooms? ›

They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium. Lobster mushrooms also contain beta-glucans, which have been shown to support the immune system and improve gut health.

What are the side effects of lobster mushrooms? ›

You'll know they're safe to eat if they're firm and heavy feeling and without any purple coloring. People with shellfish and fish allergies should also be wary, as the iodine content in lobster mushrooms has been said to trigger sensitivities and mild allergy symptoms.

Does lobster mushroom taste like lobster? ›

This fungus not only turns the white mushroom it attacks (most often a white russala) bright orange-reddish, it also turns an unpalatable mushroom into a delicious one! The flavor (and smell) is distinctly that of seafood. Identification: Lobster's are bright orange to red, and reach 3-6 inches.

What is the white stuff on my lobster mushrooms? ›

This color and the softening purplish red flesh, indicates the final breakdown of the mushroom. A dusting of white is commonly seen on lobsters. This is merely white spore matter being ejected. You can make a lobster mushroom throw its white spores by placing it upside down in the sun.

How long do lobster mushrooms last? ›

Due to its limited seasonality, most grocery stores usually sell dried lobster mushrooms throughout the year, which incidentally have a more intense seafood flavor. To store fresh, raw lobster mushrooms, place them in dry paper bags before refrigerating. Doing so will help them last for a few days to a week.

How do you harvest lobster mushrooms? ›

When taking them, first gently pull back the duff around them. Cut them as low along the stem as you can, but try not to just pull them from the ground. The mycelium that connects them to the soil should be left in place whenever possible. Once cut, clean them with a dry brush.

What mushroom turns into lobster mushroom? ›

Lobster mushrooms are actually two different fungi, one parasitizing the other. Hypomyces lactifluorum is a parasite that grows as the signature orange skin on two otherwise inedible species, Lactarius piperatus and Russula brevipes, rendering them delicious.

Why are lobster mushrooms expensive? ›

As Lobster mushrooms are wild, they are more scarce than those readily available in the supermarket, and the price will vary as weather conditions fluctuate.

What is the real name for a lobster mushroom? ›

lobster mushroom (Hypomyces lactifluorum) · iNaturalist.

What does a lobster mushroom taste like? ›

When sliced, they give off a seafood-like aroma — which Forage Chef claims can be linked to their iodine content. In turn, a mushroom that would've otherwise been flavorless is altered into a slightly nutty, earthy-tasting fungi, elevated by a faint flavor of shellfish and crustacean.

Are lobster mushrooms better than chanterelles? ›

Lobster Mushroom vs Chanterelle

Chanterelles are very different from Lobster mushrooms in terms of color, flavor, aroma and texture. As such, they complement each other nicely. The density and vivid red color of Lobster contrasts nicely with the lighter body and fruity flavors of fresh Chanterelles.

How do you eat seafood mushrooms? ›

Seafood Mushrooms are traditionally used for soup but can also be used for salad and other dishes. They have a crispy texture after being cooked. Seafood mushrooms contain antioxidants and are rich in protein, which helps in the regulation of the immune system.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.